Feb 2024 Raffle

Feb 2024 Raffle

Starting at the end of January and thru February I held a raffle for one of my paintings. The response was great and a good many people entered that I didn’t already know.  The painting was one that I had painted in plein air on the beach in La Push, Washington. It was done around the 4th of July. We were eventually asked to move or leave the area we were painting because the town was having an early 4th parade and celebration, which included fireworks above the area I was painting from.

I decided to raffle off the painting, rather than putting it up for sale on my website. Many people do not get the opportunity to have original art and I thought this would be a way to bring art into a stranger’s house.

There were thirty six entries, starting at a number of 16. Sixteen because I recently had another form up on my website. There are a few ways to select a random number, including the use of physical paper in a jar or can but I found a pretty nice app to do it for me. Drum Roll Please!

And the winner is??

Winning number




Jake will be notified today and we’ll gather his information and address. Congratulations!

Would you like to see another raffle?

Vote here

New Raffle?